(Kontakt: Rolf Hofmann, E-Mail)
Contents (Übersicht):
1. Activities of HarburgProject
2. Charts (Ahnenreihen) in pdf
3. Episodes (Lebensbilder)
4. Cemeteries (Friedhoefe)
5. Harburg Records
6. Steinhart
1. Activities of HarburgProject
( Projektbeschreibung)
with the successful organisation of the former Harburg Synagogue (near
Noerdlingen in Bavaria) as an outstanding
Cultural Center from 1989 until 1992 my personal intention then switched
to jewish genealogical research as I was offered perfect access to the holdings
of the Archives at Harburg Castle. Taxlists, burial lists, personal files and
other vital records helped me delve deeper into the lives of jewish families
that once had lived in the historic County of Oettingen, ruled by its Counts and
Princes. Over the years I gathered an incredible amount of personal family data,
that now enables me to compile family sheets, ancestral charts and (above all)
episodes, which give a perfect impression on lives of once remarkable people who
otherwise would have been forgotten. Communication worldwide with fellow
researchers, major Archives and descendants of jewish families of Southern
Germany has become a main aspect of my activities. An important side aspect of
my research work at some time was cleaning headstones at the jewish cemeteries
of Harburg, Moenchsdeggingen and Wallerstein, taking fotos of these
grave monuments and organizing the documentation of their inscriptions.
Other foto series were produced at jewish cemeteries in New York and New Orleans
when I was dealing with 19th century jewish emigration from Southern
Germany to North America. Several exhibitions were the result of these
fotographical adventures. All of these activities are organized and published
under the "HarburgProject" label, reminding of the origin of this
private and non commercial research initiative. The old town of Harburg with its
wonderful hilltop castle has not much changed since the days when jewish
families used to live there from 1674 until 1936. The waters of the Woernitz
river still flow past the Synagogue of 1754, an impressing building, no more
historic inside, but still displaying its medieval character with splendour.
Buildings like that were rare during the 18th century, when
Synagogues usually looked like simple dwelling houses.
PROJECT 1986 - 2008. Jewish Family History in Noerdlinger Ries. Research
Projects by Rolf Hofmann
Charts (Ahnenreihen) in pdf and
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